I say explained, I can't really explain most of it but it's just a guide to my experience. I did take photos of it but they're not exciting so won't be appearing here.
To start with I uninstalled programs that were not compatible with Windows Vista then I started with the Vista installation. It stopped after a few minutes telling me that it could go no further until I uninstalled Windows Sharepoint Services. So, I found this inside Microsoft Office XP Pro and right clicked and pressed uninstall - "You cannot uninstall this application as it is not installed." So, logically, I try installing it - "You need SII 4.0 or higher to install this program." Again, logically, I installed SII 6.0 and went back to the install bit but received the same message. I tested Vista again but no change so I was mighty frustrated and nearly threw the laptop of of the window (like new regular poster
Sarah D) but as this would have broken my laptop and the window, I just went to bed.
That was one hour wasted on Saturday. Installation attempt 2 was on Tuesday where I let Phil assess the problem. He decided deleting Office would work but nothing seemed to happen and it certainly didn't make a difference to Vista. Then, I figured out what a link meant that
Ed had sent me earlier in the week. It had mentioned to look for all sts files and delete Setupsts within Sharepoint. All I did was delete Setupse from Sharepoint, tried the upgrade again and it worked. Another hour had passed so I was pleased it worked. The upgrade process took about an hour and 20 minutes including a scary period where everything looked to have frozen for 5 minutes but all was well.
It then started crashing again as I may have mentioned on Tuesday night so once again I turned off and went to bed. On Wednesday I logged in and it was continuing to install drivers for Vista that I had cancelled by accident the night before. Oops! That took about 20 minutes and Vista has been fine since then working well and looking quite cool though I haven't done much with it yet because...
... my crashing problem is not yet fixed, in fact it may be getting worse.
Ed diagnosed a touchpad mouse issue last week which seems to make sense and after 10 crashes in the last 2 nights I used a usb mouse tonight and all was good. Until I started blogging when about 6 lines in, it stopped working (though did publish causing confusion for a short while) so I restarted and finished the post but the mouse would not move and the post was lost. I didn't go to bed but my brother did so i'm completing another 2 hour post on his computer while my laptop looks sad and lonely on the floor. Very annoying. I feel a trip to PC World may be necessary unless anyone has any better suggestions.
P.S. I can rule out that is it not
Sarah D's blog that is causing the problem ;-)